Adam Kenny

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Adam Kenny

Video Game Developer - Coding Enthusiast - Avid Gamer

Portfolio 1
Portfolio 2
Portfolio 3>


Hi, I’m Adam Kenny, a college student currently studying game development with a passion for creating fun and engaging experiences. As I work towards my degree in Applied Computing, I’m building a foundation in game mechanics, programming, and design principles through coursework and personal projects.

I’ve had the opportunity to explore a range of tools and engines, including Unity, Unreal Engine, Maya, Audacity, and have developed skills in areas such as C#, 3D modelling and Asset Creation, Audio Design, Level Design and more. Whether I’m designing niche mechanics or experimenting with new challenges, my goal is to learn and grow with each new task.

My portfolio showcases a variety of projects that reflect my evolving skills and vision, from solo projects to collaborative efforts with fellow students. I’m always excited to learn more, take on new challenges, and push the boundaries of what I can create.

Feel free to take a look at my work, and if you’re interested in collaborating or want to know more about my journey, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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